Workflowsets in Time Series

This article shows the application of Workflowsets to time series analysis, through the package sknifedatar. It is an extension of the Modeltime ecosystem. The presented use case corresponds to USgas package data: US monthly natural gas consumption by residential consumers by state and aggregate level between 1989 and 2020.

true , true

Sets of models

Workflowsets1 📦 is a recent tidymodels2 📦 package that allows to create and easily fit combinations of preprocessors (e.g., formula, recipe, etc) and model specifications.

Using this tidy approach we’ve developed an adaptation that allows us to extend the use of workflowsets to the analysis of time series. The connection is made through the sknifedatar3 📦 package (that serves primarily as an extension to the modeltime framework), which allows linking the modeltime4 ecosystem with workflowsets.

At a general level, this is the modeling scheme:

This article includes a new sknifedatar functionality. The fitting of a Workflowset on multiple time series 🤩 (individual series, not panel), with an approach similar to that of our previous publication, Multiple Models Over Multiple Time Series: A Tidy Approach.

Libraries 📚

The necessary libraries are imported.

For data manipulation we used the tidyverse5 📦 ecosystem.

Data 💾

For this example, time series data from the US monthly natural gas consumption by residential consumers by state and aggregate level between 1989 and 2020 is used. This data is available in the USgas6 package 📦.

data_states <-  USgas::us_residential %>% rename(value=y)

🔹 The dataset includes data for the following states:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, U.S., Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming

We’ve decided to select Nevada, Maine, Hawaii and West Virginia, since gas consumption has not been as homogeneous among them, this allows us to better understand the use case of time series adjustment of models.

👉 In this article we will focus on one of these series. In our next article we will focus on the rest of them.

data_states <- data_states %>% 
  filter(state %in%  c('Nevada','Maine','Hawaii','West Virginia'))

data_states %>% 
  group_by(state) %>%
  plot_time_series(.date_var = date, 
                   .facet_ncol = 2, 
                   .line_size = 0.2, 
                   .interactive = FALSE

Multiple models and preprocessors one time series 📊

In this first case, a set of models and preprocessors are fitted to an individual series.

Selecting data for Hawaii 🏖️

data <- data_states %>%
  filter(state=='Hawaii') %>%

The first 5 rows are displayed. Notice that it’s a monthly series.

Show code
data %>% head(5) %>% gt() %>%
    title = 'US monthly consumption of natural gas by residential consumers 
             by state and aggregate level between 1989 and 2020',
    subtitle='Units: Million Cubic Feet'
US monthly consumption of natural gas by residential consumers by state and aggregate level between 1989 and 2020
Units: Million Cubic Feet
date value
1989-01-01 51
1989-02-01 52
1989-03-01 50
1989-04-01 50
1989-05-01 47

The time series partition ➗ on train and test is shown below:

initial_time_split(data = data, prop = 0.8) %>%
  tk_time_series_cv_plan() %>%
  plot_time_series_cv_plan(date, value, .interactive = FALSE,
                           .title = "Hawaii - Partition Train / Test") +
  theme(strip.text = element_blank())

Preprocessor recipes 🌮

📌 The transformation recipes are defined following the 🌟 Tidymodels framework 🌟.

# Recipe without steps
recipe_base <- recipe(value~date, data=data)

# Some date variables
recipe_date_features <- recipe_base %>% 
  step_date(date, features = c('month','year'))

# More date variables
recipe_date_extrafeatures <- recipe_date_features %>% 
  step_date(date, features = c('quarter','semester'))
# Lagged values: 1 to 6 months lag  
recipe_date_extrafeatures_lag <- recipe_date_extrafeatures %>% 
  step_lag(value, lag = 1:6) %>% 
  step_ts_impute(all_numeric(), period=365)
# Fourier transformation
recipe_date_extrafeatures_fourier <-recipe_date_extrafeatures  %>% 
  step_fourier(date, period = 365/12, K = 1)

Models 🚀

📌 Below are the models that will be fitted.

# prophet_xgboost
prophet_boost <- prophet_boost(mode = 'regression') %>% 

# prophet_xgboost logistic
prophet_boost_log <- prophet_boost(
    mode = 'regression',
    changepoint_range = 0.8,
    logistic_floor = min(data$value),
    logistic_cap = max(data$value),
    growth = 'logistic'
  ) %>%

# mars
mars <- mars( mode = 'regression') %>% 

# nnetar
nnetar <- nnetar_reg() %>% 

auto_arima_boost <- arima_boost() %>% 

Workflowsets 🤩

⚙️ Through Workflowsets we can automatically fit all possible combinations of models and recipes. Here we are adapting workflowsets to modeltime, for the original workflowsets application see: workflowsets 0.0.1

wfsets <- workflow_set(
  preproc = list(
    base                  = recipe_base,
    features              = recipe_date_features, 
    extrafeatures         = recipe_date_extrafeatures,
    extrafeatures_lag     = recipe_date_extrafeatures_lag,
    extrafeatures_fourier = recipe_date_extrafeatures_fourier
  models  = list(
    M_arima_boost       = auto_arima_boost,
    M_prophet_boost_log = prophet_boost_log, 
    M_prophet_boost     = prophet_boost,
    M_mars              = mars,
    M_nnetar            = nnetar
  cross   = TRUE
# A workflow set/tibble: 25 x 4
   wflow_id                     info             option    result    
   <chr>                        <list>           <list>    <list>    
 1 base_M_arima_boost           <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 2 base_M_prophet_boost_log     <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 3 base_M_prophet_boost         <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 4 base_M_mars                  <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 5 base_M_nnetar                <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 6 features_M_arima_boost       <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 7 features_M_prophet_boost_log <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 8 features_M_prophet_boost     <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
 9 features_M_mars              <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
10 features_M_nnetar            <tibble [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
# … with 15 more rows

📝 Since the models nnetar and mars have a strange behavior when including lags, we have decided not to include them in the models to fit. To remove models from the wfsets object it is possible to use the anti_join() function from dplyr 📦

wfsets <- wfsets %>% 
    tibble(wflow_id = c("extrafeatures_lag_M_nnetar", 
            by = "wflow_id")

Models fit 🌀

Through modeltime_wfs_fit, a function included in sknifedatar 📦, a workflowsets object including time series workflows can be fitted on an individual series. This function only requires the workflowsets object, the time series split proportion and the time series.

split_prop <- 0.8
wffits <- modeltime_wfs_fit(.wfsets = wfsets, 
                            .split_prop = split_prop, 
wffits %>% head(2)

Observing the object wfftis, it can be seen that all metrics corresponing to each combination of recipes with models are displayed. Also, the model fitted is stored.

# A tibble: 2 x 10
  .model_id   .model_desc   .type   mae  mape  mase smape  rmse    rsq
  <chr>       <chr>         <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1 base_M_ari… ARIMA(0,1,3)… Test   4.74  10.1  1.46  9.46  5.40 0.599 
2 base_M_mars EARTH         Test  13.3   28.3  4.09 24.2  14.7  0.0223
# … with 1 more variable: .fit_model <list>

🔹 This object is displayed below in a well formatted table. Notice that the .fit_model column is excluded for better visualization.

Show code
wffits %>%
  select(-.fit_model, -.model_desc, -.type) %>% 
  separate(.model_id, c('recipe', 'model'), sep='_M_', remove=FALSE) %>% 
  arrange(desc(rsq)) %>% 
  gt() %>% 
  tab_header(title='Models sets evaluation') %>% 
    footnote = "Only possible combinations of models with recipes are shown.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(
      columns = vars(.model_id))
Models sets evaluation
.model_id1 recipe model mae mape mase smape rmse rsq
base_M_prophet_boost base prophet_boost 2.836499 5.737390 0.8727690 5.947669 3.399601 0.665490673
base_M_prophet_boost_log base prophet_boost_log 5.974799 12.193184 1.8383997 13.111905 6.490424 0.644538968
extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost extrafeatures prophet_boost 3.371273 7.276412 1.0373147 6.923772 3.999930 0.625592279
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost extrafeatures_lag prophet_boost 2.418117 5.129218 0.7440361 4.946331 3.138178 0.619033349
extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost_log extrafeatures prophet_boost_log 2.274725 4.814021 0.6999154 4.710788 2.809709 0.618742698
features_M_prophet_boost features prophet_boost 3.623952 7.830419 1.1150621 7.430017 4.250814 0.614425035
base_M_arima_boost base arima_boost 4.736744 10.086012 1.4574596 9.457385 5.402352 0.599178874
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost_log extrafeatures_lag prophet_boost_log 2.147157 4.438806 0.6606636 4.436121 2.704656 0.597017975
features_M_prophet_boost_log features prophet_boost_log 2.493793 5.312523 0.7673210 5.165195 3.066893 0.586423007
extrafeatures_M_arima_boost extrafeatures arima_boost 4.425513 9.427621 1.3616962 8.853871 5.159703 0.585785199
extrafeatures_fourier_M_nnetar extrafeatures_fourier nnetar 5.212428 10.719950 1.6038239 11.484263 5.863351 0.554186336
features_M_arima_boost features arima_boost 4.982869 10.638650 1.5331906 9.929374 5.733011 0.537392656
extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_boost extrafeatures_fourier prophet_boost 2.340560 4.873489 0.7201722 4.786555 3.034372 0.524944970
extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_boost_log extrafeatures_fourier prophet_boost_log 2.598130 5.248098 0.7994246 5.370895 3.303457 0.522910432
extrafeatures_lag_M_arima_boost extrafeatures_lag arima_boost 5.047500 10.802132 1.5530771 10.072861 5.799508 0.504177734
extrafeatures_M_nnetar extrafeatures nnetar 5.230495 10.796231 1.6093831 11.578863 5.978312 0.480283245
extrafeatures_fourier_M_arima_boost extrafeatures_fourier arima_boost 5.680544 12.078615 1.7478596 11.174632 6.556410 0.437264604
features_M_nnetar features nnetar 4.742239 9.853314 1.4591506 10.422030 5.547168 0.330392264
features_M_mars features mars 22.177297 46.187083 6.8237838 36.122812 24.682611 0.180967960
extrafeatures_fourier_M_mars extrafeatures_fourier mars 22.171107 46.176874 6.8218791 36.116256 24.675566 0.180041416
extrafeatures_M_mars extrafeatures mars 22.228102 46.294152 6.8394161 36.188636 24.738947 0.179893459
base_M_mars base mars 13.307100 28.329840 4.0944923 24.150031 14.697895 0.022302312
base_M_nnetar base nnetar 3.733401 7.599634 1.1487388 7.701844 4.651833 0.002017996

1 Only possible combinations of models with recipes are shown.

Forecast on testing partition 🔮

🔹 For each workflow a forecast is made in the test partition. This can be done through the modeltime_wfs_forecast function, also from sknifedatar 📦. Notice that this is an adaptation from the modeltime_forecast function. In order to predict on test data, it is only required to specify the wffits object, the series and the split proportion.

modeltime_wfs_forecast(.wfs_results = wffits, 
                       .serie = data, 
                       .split_prop=split_prop) %>% 
  theme(legend.direction = 'vertical')

Heatmaps of metrics for each model 🔦

The workflowsets package allows to fit all possible combinations of models and preprocessors. We have included an additional function on the sknifedatar 📦 package. The modeltime_wfs_heatmap allows to easily generate a heatmap for each recipe and model on a wffits object 🙌 generated with the modeltime_wfs_fit function.

The modeltime_accuracy function from modeltime generates 6 time series metrics (‘mae,’‘mape,’‘mase,’‘smape,’‘rmse,’‘rsq’). The modeltime_wfs_heatmap takes as input the selected metric and the adjusted workflows and generates a heatmap.

🚨 We have decided to exclude the MARS model from these heatmaps since it was shown before that the performance was not so good and the color scale of the heatmap works better without this model.

wffits <- wffits %>% filter(.model_desc!='EARTH')

The modeltime_wfs_heatmap was applied to each metric, generating a dataframe that includes a row for each metric and a column that includes the heatmap plot.

heatmap_metrics <-
  data.frame(metric = c('mae', 'mape', 'mase', 'smape', 'rmse', 'rsq')) %>%
  mutate(plot = map(metric, 
                    ~ modeltime_wfs_heatmap(.wfs_results = wffits, 
                                             metric = .x,
                                             low_color = '#ece2f0',
                                             high_color = '#02818a')

👉 In order to visualize the heatmaps on tabs, the automagic_tabs function from sknifedatar 📦 is used. For a better understanding of this function, visit: Automagic Tabs in Distill/Rmarkdown files and time series analysis


The following chunk is actually executed inline:

#'r automagic_tabs(input_data=temp, panel_name="metric", .output="plot", 
#                  echo=FALSE, .layout="l-page", fig.heigth=2, fig.width=10)'







Models ranking 🥇

🔹 The modeltime_wfs_rank function from sknifedatar generates a ranking of models generated with modeltime_wfs_fit.

ranking <- modeltime_wfs_rank(wffits,
                              rank_metric = "rsq", 
                              minimize = FALSE)
Show code
ranking %>% select(.model_id, rank, .model_desc) %>% gt() %>% 
  tab_header(title='Model ranking') %>% 
Model ranking
.model_id rank .model_desc
base_M_prophet_boost 1 PROPHET
base_M_prophet_boost_log 2 PROPHET
extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost 3 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost 4 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost_log 5 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
features_M_prophet_boost 6 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
base_M_arima_boost 7 ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[12]
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost_log 8 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
features_M_prophet_boost_log 9 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_M_arima_boost 10 ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[12] W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_fourier_M_nnetar 11 NNAR(1,1,10)[12]
features_M_arima_boost 12 ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[12] W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_boost 13 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_boost_log 14 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_lag_M_arima_boost 15 ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[12] W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_M_nnetar 16 NNAR(1,1,10)[12]
extrafeatures_fourier_M_arima_boost 17 ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[12] W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
features_M_nnetar 18 NNAR(1,1,10)[12]
base_M_nnetar 19 NNAR(1,1,10)[12]

➡️ The best models are selected based on a metric. In order to do this, the modeltime_wfs_bestmodel function is used, which gets the best combination of model and recipe based on a a wffits object generated from the modeltime_wfs_fit function.

This function allows to select workflows on three ways:

wffits_best <- modeltime_wfs_bestmodel(.wfs_results = ranking, 
                                      .model = "top 4", 
                                      .metric = "mae", 
                                      .minimize = TRUE)
Show code
wffits_best %>% 
  select(.model_id, rank, .model_desc) %>% head(5) %>% 
  gt() %>% tab_header(title='Top 4 models') %>% 
Top 4 models
.model_id rank .model_desc
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost_log 1 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost_log 2 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_boost 3 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS
extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost 4 PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERRORS

Forecast on test 👀

👉After selecting the top 4 models, the modeltime_wfs_forecast is used again, but in this case for the best models.

modeltime_wfs_forecast(.wfs_results = wffits_best, 
                       .serie = data, 
                       .split_prop=split_prop) %>% 

Models refit 🌀

Now the models are re-fitted for the whole dataset (training + testing partitions), through the modeltime_wfs_refit function from sknifedatar.

🔹 This function applies the modeltime_refit() function from modeltime to the wffits object generated from the modeltime_wfs_fit function.

wfrefits <- modeltime_wfs_refit(.wfs_results = wffits_best, .serie = data)
# Modeltime Table
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  .model_id                          .model    .model_desc            
  <chr>                              <list>    <chr>                  
1 extrafeatures_fourier_M_prophet_b… <workflo… PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERR…
2 extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost  <workflo… PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERR…
3 extrafeatures_lag_M_prophet_boost… <workflo… PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERR…
4 extrafeatures_M_prophet_boost_log  <workflo… PROPHET W/ XGBOOST ERR…

Future forecast 🧙

Now the modeltime_wfs_forecast is used again, but for future forecasting. In order to do this, the .h parameter is included.

wfrefits_forecast <- modeltime_wfs_forecast(.wfs_results = wfrefits, 
                                            .serie = data, 
                                            .h = '1 year',
                                            .split_prop = split_prop) 

wfrefits_forecast %>% 
  plot_modeltime_forecast(.interactive=FALSE) +
  theme(legend.direction = 'vertical')

Workflowsets for multiple series 💡

🔹Considering the 4 series selected at the beginning. The first necessary step is to nest the series into a nested dataframe, where the first column is the state, and the second column is the nested_column (date and value).

nested_data <- data_states %>% 

1️⃣Multiple workflows sets fit

The modeltime_wfs_multifit function from sknifedatar 📦 allows a 🌟 workflowset object to be fitted over multiple time series 🌟. In this function, the workflow_set object is the same as the one used before, since it contains the diferent model + recipes combinations.

wfs_multifit <- modeltime_wfs_multifit(serie = nested_data, 
                                       .prop = 0.8, 
                                       .wfs  = wfsets)
#saveRDS(wfs_multifit, 'wfs_multifit.rds')
wfs_multifit <- readRDS('wfs_multifit.rds')

👉 The fitted object is a list containing the fitted models (table_time) and the corresponding metrics for each model (models_accuracy).

🔹 Using the models_accuracy table included in the wfs_multifit object, a heatmap can be generated for a specific metric for each series 🔍 . This is done using the modeltime_wfs_heatmap function presented above.

plots <- wfs_multifit$models_accuracy %>% 
  select(-.model_id) %>%  
  rename(.model_id=.model_names) %>% mutate(.fit_model = '') %>% 
  group_by(name_serie) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  mutate(plot = map(data, ~ modeltime_wfs_heatmap(., metric = 'rsq',
                                                 low_color = '#ece2f0',
                                                 high_color = '#02818a'))) %>% 




West Virginia

2️⃣Multiple forecast

Another function included in sknifedatar is modeltime_wfs_multiforecast, which generates 🧙 forecast of a workflow_set fitted object over multiple time series.

wfs_multiforecast <- modeltime_wfs_multiforecast(
  wfs_multifit$table_time, .prop=0.8)

🔹The plot_modeltime_forecast function from modeltime is used to visualize each forecast, where the nested_forecast is unnnested before using the function. As it can be seen, many models did not perform well.

wfs_multiforecast %>% 
      select(state, nested_forecast) %>% 
      unnest(nested_forecast) %>% 
      filter(.model_desc!='base_M_mars') %>% 
      group_by(state) %>% 
        .legend_max_width = 12,
        .facet_ncol = 2, 
        .line_size = 0.5,
        .interactive = FALSE,
        .facet_scales = 'free_y',
        .title='Proyecciones') +

3️⃣ Best models

The modeltime_wfs_multibest 🏅 from sknifedatar obtains the best workflow/model for each time series based on a performance metric (one of ‘mae,’ ‘mape,’‘mase,’ ‘smape,’‘rmse,’‘rsq’).

wfs_bests<- modeltime_wfs_multibestmodel(
      .table = wfs_multiforecast,
      .metric = "rmse",
      .minimize = FALSE

4️⃣Multiple refit

Now that we’ve selected the best model for each series, the modeltime_wfs_multirefit function is used in order to retrain a set of workflows on all the data (train and test) 👌

wfs_refit <- modeltime_wfs_multirefit(wfs_bests)

5️⃣Final forecast

Finally, a new forecast is generated for the refitted object 🧙, resulting in 4 forecasts, one for each series. In this case, the modeltime_wfs_multiforecast is used with .h paramenter = ‘12 month,’ giving a future forecast.

wfs_forecast <- modeltime_wfs_multiforecast(wfs_refit, .h = "12 month")

wfs_forecast %>% 
      select(state, nested_forecast) %>% 
      unnest(nested_forecast) %>% 
      group_by(state) %>% 
        .legend_max_width = 12,
        .facet_ncol = 1, 
        .line_size = 0.5,
        .interactive = FALSE,
        .facet_scales = 'free_y',

Final comments

👉Time series modeling in programming languages ​​like R or python usually takes hundreds or thousands of lines of code.

📌 In this post, we’ve explored the possibilities of using a Tidy framework (Tidymodels + Modeltime + Workflowsets) in order to better understand which model and preprocessor is better for forecasting on a specific time series.

This is an extension to out previous functions modeltiem_multi_{}, a collection of functions that expand modeltime possibilities into working with multiple time series at once.

We hope it has been useful, thanks for reading us 👏👏👏.

Contacts ✉

Karina Bartolome, Linkedin, Twitter, Github, Blogpost.

Rafael Zambrano, Linkedin, Twitter, Github, Blogpost.

Dancho, Matt. 2021. Modeltime: The Tidymodels Extension for Time Series Modeling.
Krispin, Rami. 2020. USgas: The Demand for Natural Gas in the US.
Kuhn, Max. 2021. Workflowsets: Create a Collection of ’Tidymodels’ Workflows.
Kuhn, Max, and Hadley Wickham. 2020. Tidymodels: A Collection of Packages for Modeling and Machine Learning Using Tidyverse Principles.
Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019. “Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686.
Zambrano, Rafael, and Karina Bartolome. 2021. Sknifedatar: Swiss Knife of Data.

  1. Kuhn (2021)↩︎

  2. Kuhn and Wickham (2020)↩︎

  3. Zambrano and Bartolome (2021)↩︎

  4. Dancho (2021)↩︎

  5. Wickham et al. (2019)↩︎

  6. Krispin (2020)↩︎



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For attribution, please cite this work as

Bartolomé & Zambrano (2021, April 25). Rafael Zambrano: Workflowsets in Time Series. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Bartolomé, Karina and Zambrano, Rafael},
  title = {Rafael Zambrano: Workflowsets in Time Series},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}